Free Online Hindi Typing Test Kruti Dev
यहां पर Hindi Typing Test तथा English Typing Test दोनों उपलब्ध है, एवं Online Hindi Typing Test में आपको तीन प्रकार के Keyboard Layout उपलब्ध है, पहला Mangal Font तथा दूसरा Kruti dev. About Marathi Typing Test - Kruti Dev (055) We use Kruti Dev 055 Font in this Marathi Typing Test because Kruti Dev by default uses Remington i.e. Typewriter Keyboard Layout. So, the one who are preparing for Indian Government exams in which keyboard layout should be 'Remington' Can Practice here easily online.
Hindi keyboard is a free online software that enables you to type efficiently and accurately with or without help of your keyboard. It provides you additional facility of virtual onscreen keyboard using which you can type with the help of mouse only. By using our free site you don't need to intall hindi fonts in you computer.You can press appropriate key combinations to type your desired hindi content on our website later you can copy and paste your typed hindi content anywhere else you want.
Other than practicing Hindi Typing you can type your important emails, documents, letters etc in Hindi language. Our keyboard tool is fast, efficient and accurate. Your no longer need to remember hindi keyboard layout. Just click on our website and start typing, That's it. We offer you two keyboard layout. These two are popular with Hindi Typists, Hindi Remington and Hindi Inscript.
What initially inspired us to create this website, is the difficulty faced by novice typists to write hindi content. when they don't know the keyboard layout. Our team's vision by creating this website is to help those people whodon't know hindi typing keyboard layout by making a website which is fast, efficient and robust. How can we help those poor souls who sometimes find it urgent to write some content in hindi. We provide you onscreen keyboard with hindi typing keyboard layout with help of which you can write as much hindi content as you wish in reach of single click. This website is not only helpful to those users whose need to write hindi content is meager and infrequent but also to those who want to write long material in hindi without the intention or time to remember layout.
Check your Hindi Typing Speed with this free on-line software. In this Hindi Typing Test you can check your speed in Word Per Minute and also shows your accuracy in percentage. If you are preparing for Govt. exam typing test practise this test daily to improve your typing speed and accuracy. Try to type without seeing the keyboard so, you will achieve more speed.
Check your typing speed and accuracy in Hindi using Krutidev or Devlys 010 font. Select word passage like 200 words, 300 words or 500 words, and select timing like 1 minute, 5 minute, 10 minute or 15 minute and start. The Hindi Typing Test Facilitates word highlighter feature that will help you to identify the word you are typing so you will not miss a single word during your Hindi Typing test. If by mistake you miss a word will shown separately in result that you missed something. Although when you miss a word the software will automatically catch the next word if it same as you typed. The Hindi Typing test software also featured with double typed word mistake shown separately. These analyses will help you to identify and rectify your mistakes during typing.
Free Online Hindi Typing Test Kruti Dev
The result will show in Gross WPM and Net WPM. Net WPM is your final speed. And the most important thing to consider is your accuracy. Much accurate you type your speed will makes sense. The Hindi typing test online will help you in get success in exams, our best wishes will always with you. Practise daily for best results.